
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'4
Weight: 145


Procedure Details

What is a deviated septum?

Nasal septum deviation, also referred to as a deviated septum, is very common.  There are more than 3 million US cases per year. The nasal septum refers to the bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity of the nose in half. In the case of a deviated septum, the nasal septum is significantly off center or crooked. Many people have a slight deviated septum but it is so significant that it goes unnoticed. A deviated septum can be attributed to birth, normal growth during childhood, or an injury to the nose.

Oftentimes, a deviated septum does not cause an individual any problems or symptoms. However, some symptoms may include difficulty breathing through the nose, nasal congestion, sinus infections, nosebleeds, or a postnasal drip. Though not everyone with a deviated septum needs medical attention, some people will elect to undergo a rhinoplasty (nose job) to correct the appearance of a deviated septum.

It is evident in the patient’s before and after photographs that her nose was slightly deviated to the right. Her nose is straight and aligned down the center of her face following the rhinoplasty procedure.

Nasal Tip Overhang

Prior to the rhinoplasty, the featured patient suffered from a deviated septum and nasal tip overhang. A nasal tip overhang refers to the positioning of the nasal tip being inferior to the nasal base.

Prior to the patient’s rhinoplasty the tip of her nose hung lower than the base of her nose and it pointed downwards. Additionally, her nose appeared large, round and her nostrils were not visible when looking at her straight on. The rhinoplasty corrected all of these problems and gave her an overall more desirable appearance. Following the rhinoplasty, the patient’s nose appears to be smaller and the tip no longer has a circular shape. The nostrils curve in a more attractive shape and are slightly visible when looking at the patient straight on. The patient also had a very small hump prior to the rhinoplasty procedure. This ailment was able to be fixed during the procedure and is no longer visible in the photograph taken after her nose had healed.


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